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Foundation Repair Talk

Thinking about DIY’ing your foundation crack? Knowing what you don’t know can save you a LOT of problems.

If you consider yourself a home repair afficionado and notice a small crack in the foundation of your home, you will almost certainly consider this your next challenge. All you need to do is to watch some YouTube repair videos and head down to the local hardware store for some supplies, right? Unfortunately, it’s not nearly that simple, and attempting to repair a foundation by yourself can make the problem oh so much worse. Here’s why you should hire a foundation repair specialist to do the job right.

Where is the leak coming from?

Patching the visible hole isn’t hard, but are you really solving the bigger problem? Foundation repair companies don’t just come in and make a surface-level repair (or they shouldn’t, anyways), the good ones will identify the true source of the problem and address it once and for all. If you don’t fix the source, you’ll just be running around plugging hole after hole as the issue gets worse.

Errors tend to compound in foundation repair

By doing superficial fixes, you usually make the problem worse, causing a foundation problem that costs much more money and time to repair. Coupled with the fact that you probably won’t fix what caused problem in the first place, it’s much more advisable to call in an expert.

You might be able to do this, but do you want to?

Safety concerns

Foundation repair involves an important level of attention and skill to avoid injury. For example, Shield Foundation Repair undergo rigorous safety training with their crews and works hard to make sure they are certified to the highest industry standards. When you attempt to fix a problem on your own but don’t know what you’re doing, an accident is more likely to happen. Nobody wants to burn holiday time on the couch nursing a freshly set cast.

Safety training at Shield Foundation Repair

Tools and equipment

You might be able to buy materials from a hardware store to fix a simple foundation leak, but they normally don’t compare to the materials available to established foundation repair companies. The more complex the problem, the more important it is that you call in the pros to get the job done right with top-notch equipment and tools. Shield Foundation Repair uses only the highest quality materials from manufacturers like SopremaTM and BentogroutTM, to name a few.

Shield team member applying SopremaTM elastomeric membrane

Preserving your home’s value

Imagine trying to buy a new home and upon reading the inspection report, you find out the homeowner was the one who shingled the roof, or installed the new bathtub, or did the wiring in the basement 😬. The same applies for foundation repair. Home buyers trust professional quality work. Our 25-year warranty can add resale value because the new homeowner will be confident repairs were done right.

A foundation problem can be far more serious than you think at first glance, even it only seems like a small surface crack. Why take the chance on a DIY quick fix? Call Shield Foundation Repair today at 780 460 4900 and rest assured their skilled staff will make it right.

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