February 22, 2024
In Edmonton, pipes that run through the walls of a home or commercial foundations are usually sealed up with concrete, hydraulic cement, or caulk. These penetration points are one of the weakest areas in the walls, and it’s very common to find foundation water leaks even after repairs are done. There are many ways to fix the foundation and seal failed areas using a variety of products for varying applications. Here we see a failed interior epoxy injection that never made it completely through the wall as claimed prior by the contractor.
To solve this, Shield Foundation Repair cleaned up the pipe using Soprema alsan flashing which forms a continuous, tough elastic seal to the wall that withstands extreme cold and high temperatures without cracking or softening.
Once complete, the wall was coated using the Soprema Colphene LM Barr, a single-component, liquid-applied, moisture curing elastomeric STPE waterproofing membrane backed by a solid 25-year warranty.
Colphene LM Barr is an ideal waterproofing solution for sealing foundations and in between concrete slabs, equipment wells, and other underground applications.
Looking for a quote for your foundation? Get a free leak assessment from Shield’s professional team.